Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I'm Useless

Another summer without employment; this has become the archetype for me. Even when I am employed, I hold jobs with little impact upon any future career path, even though I have not had a job for 2 years now. The saddest part is that I have applied for jobs/internships for which I am actually qualified, and I probably will never hear back from those companies with a decision. Needless to say, I'm irritated.

So, why did I say it if it's needless to say? Perhaps it's necessary; I need to vent my frustration towards the total lack of opportunity for me to advance myself in some desired career in life. I'd rather not become a salesman, or a manager of a Wal-Mart, or a stock broker, even though those are the jobs I found that I was most qualified for at a recent job fair I attended. A major in political science is worth about as much as the paper on which my diploma will be printed.

What am I to do if I end up with a terrible job that lands me in a cubicle? Do I do all the grunt work, accept the alienating push of the labor forced upon me just for a measly salary with little to no prospects for my future? What the hell do I do?

I'm going to take a nap.

That's all for now,
Das Flüg

1 comment:

  1. Hey Zeus,

    I've applied for jobs/internships for which I am qualified and overqualified, and sadly, the lack of professionalism and responses in many industries has frustrated me as well.

    However, my uncle told me a clever line once-- "No income makes for a bad outcome." My advice would be to keep trying to find employment, and make sure your resume shows employers the best version of yourself.



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