Monday, September 10, 2012

My usual procrastination

It's been a while since I've posted, but for good reasons:

First, I've been writing heavily for another book. I've reached 60,000 words pretty quickly, if you understand how much that is.

Second, I've had to find accommodation in London in a hurry because of certain extenuating circumstances. Doing so is very time-consuming and, I assure you, very stressful. Thankfully, I've found a good place.

Now, as that cool breeze rolls in and reminds us all that it is yet another presidential election season, I think my only real complaint (for once, I only have one) is: How can anyone who makes less than $250k a year, or is a woman, or is a fiscal conservative, or is a senior, support the Romney-Ryan ticket?

No, seriously. How? I can't wrap my head around the support that Romney has from the Republican Party and various other sects of "traditional" American conservatism. The only people who should support the ticket are people who stand to benefit from his ludicrous budget plan, and that is a vast minority of voters.

I feel as if so many Republicans are suffering from a bad case of confirmation bias- that is, they're ignoring all the blatantly terrible and inconsistent positions of Mitt Romney just because they want Republicans to win.

Here is a list of all the topics Mitt Romney has changed his mind on (taken from, an overview of presidential positions):
  • Abortion (Pro, then Con)
  • TARP
  • Automotive bailout
  • Outsourcing
  • Health care (multiple times)
  • Social Security Privatization
(Not to mention that his foreign policy positions are confusing.)

His fiscal plan is simply puzzling. Romney somehow wants to cut all spending to 20% of GDP which, as the article so accurately states, is impossible.

So why, why, why is anyone in their right mind supporting this? Mitt Romney can trumpet the words "America" and "freedom" all he wants, but that doesn't make his policies any less confusing.

This is simply my opinion: the Cold War still exists. I don't mean that the United States is still holding its finger over the big red button, staring menacingly at Russia from across the table, but that the two parties in the United States are in a virtual war. Why?

Why not? There is no major enemy in the world to threaten the United States with immediate destruction and force government hawkishness. There is no external threat that "directly attacks" American values, regardless of what various pundits call "Socialism" or "Communism" or "Jihad." If there is no viable external threat to America, then there must be an internal one. If it is not physical, then it is ideological.

So are people willing to vote for a man who believes that not everyone should have equal rights, or that women should not have the right to choose (even if they're raped)? It makes no sense. It makes none at all.

That's all for now,
Das Flüg

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