Sunday, November 10, 2013

In response to someone asking me, "How was your weekend?"

My weekend was a maelstrom of emotions and incisions into the very nature and fabric of normality, through which I delved into the deepest regions of my being and tore out, with every bloody drop, the center of my heart and threw it upon the ground. It was for this reason that the incisions came to show, came to express the very being which wishes to exude itself from those incisions, deeper than the superficiality they bear. If I could redact it all, pull back the skin of them and expose the seeping ruins of my life upon the world, I wouldn't, for that would only end the long, arduous struggle that is the very essence of consciousness.

How was yours?
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1 comment:

  1. I was going to answer your question, then realized. the weekend is happening now. So, I mostly lead a boring life. I hope to change that soon. But I did watch some DOCTOR WHO today, (Series 4) and that is always very entertaining. Side note: Do you tag your blog posts? It seems that perhaps you don't. You could get more readers that way, or maybe you could move to WORDPRESS.


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