Sunday, October 24, 2010

Journey into the Mind, Part 2

(Mainly because I'm too lazy to write something)

David could only stare in horror as thousands upon thousands of himself marched in order towards him, all wearing the same blank expression upon their faces. The lack of emotion, the total unflinching facial features each and every version of him presented frightened him. He could only stagger back in fear as they continued marching in their synchronized steps, coming closer, and closer, and closer. David fell to the ground, struggling to regain his composure and find an escape. They all stared blankly ahead, as if completely ignorant of his presence, until they stopped. David, from the seat of his pants, could only stare in complete disbelief as all of his clones turned their heads slowly to look at him. The frozen, superficial smile he had seen in the mirror for years was now staring him down as if it had the force and imposition of a gun. The barrel was cocked. He swiveled his head, trying to capture the duplicitous smile on each of his clones’ faces. “NO!” he screamed as he began to crawl backwards. The clones walked with him. “NO!” he screamed again, though the clones would not listen. He felt their stares burrowing underneath his face, beyond his mind and into his soul where they tore at him in a torrential undulation of insanity.
“NO!” David screamed, sitting up in his bed. He was covered in sweat and had thrown his sheets to the floor.
“What the hell?” David got out of bed and walked to the bathroom. Looking in the mirror, he was unsure of who was staring back at him.

That's all for now,

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