Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Westboro Baptist Church visits Rutgers; decide to "fuck it."

Standing out in the rain, the members of the Westboro Baptist Church decided to "fuck it" and leave 45 minutes before they had scheduled to do so. Students packed the sidewalks, sporting signs such as "Balls in my ass"( and one which simply stated "AHHHHHHH!"
The members of the WBC arrived early, 15 minutes early to be exact, which is odd for them because they believe that God hates punctuality. Just as soon as they had arrived and upon seeing the hordes of half-drunk, half-serious students and decently good-looking girls, they exclaimed "Fuck it!" and left.
"I ain't gonna be standin' round lookin' at these hot chicks! Shit! I have an inbred wife at home and she has 3 titties!" said one John Dickus of the WBC. The members of the WBC were then packed into their van, which looked mysteriously like the Mystery Machine, and drove away.
"They were here?" asked Rutgers sophomore Davis Field. "I just came here because I wanted to get with Angie over there, the cute brunette." Davis just might get his wish.
The WBC posted on their website the reason for protesting at Rutgers: "Rutgers Hillel - You have two mascots? God H8s Fags already 93 College Ave Why does New Jersey have to be so friggin' weird about everything? These guys have two mascots at this college. Is that in case one of them is offensive to someone? I'm just sayin'! WBC needs to have a few words with these young people because all of the people who ever had any influence over them - LIED! What did you do that for? Why did you lie to those kids. Oh well, they're all grown up now, so they must find out for themselves that God is NOT a liar, like you told them He is."
If anyone understands backwoods moron, please translate.


In actuality, I arrived after the members of the church left. I didn't even get to whip out my sign. They actually did leave early, as Rutgers students outflanked and outgunned the WBC members about 20-1. I was hoping to write about a heated protest, shouts, civil unrest, etc., but noooo. Even newschannel 4 left early. God damn.

Das Flüg

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Wayward Son

I might just start naming my blog posts after whatever song I am listening to at the moment.

Anyway, I have 4 midterms coming up. 4. With 3 on the same day. Why do I have to be tortured like this? Gah, f*ck.

Aside from that, I know that only a few people read this blog. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if my blog's total views are lower than Dick Cheney's morals. Eh, whatever. It's my journal, my mind, my insight.

Now, to what I originally intended to write:

I awoke to an explosion. My house was shaking, but I could only concentrate on the ringing and blood in my ears. I put my hands to cover them and could feel the warm, comfortable pain of my eardrums beating on my skull like an invading army. I sat up in my bed and with one bloody hand threw the covers off of me. I stumbled to the floor as the house continued to shake and throw me like a ragdoll. Another explosion, this one closer, shook my house with vehement force. I stood up, trying to balance myself amid the constant rattling of my pictures and falling of my bookshelves.
My pictures...
I looked to the wall where my remaining pictures held. There, my wife and son smiled back at me, enjoying themselves on a Spring day in a clear field, unaware of my current malady. I stumbled to the far wall and reached my bloody hand to save the last remnant of my family.
My head was a swirling mess of constant ringing, delirium, fear, and adrenaline. I couldn't make sense of my occurrences, but all the while I knew that I had to save the picture. The picture. The picture...

Feedback would be appreciated.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

President Clinton visits Rutgers

If one happened to saunter down to the Rutgers Student Center on College Avenue, there would be the unmistakable sight of atrociously long lines, backed-up traffic, and political eagerness. This, if you were unaware, greeted the likes of former President Bill Clinton, speaking on behalf of Jon Corzine for his gubernatorial re-election campaign. Droves of people attended the event, with more tickets likely given out than there were seats available.

Former President Clinton headlines the event as Governer Jon Corzine seeks a victory over his Republican rival, Chris Christie. Corzine needs all the support that he can garner, as recent poll numbers indicate that Corzine only has a 1-point lead over Christie, at 41% to 40%. Christie led the poll numbers earlier in the campaign with as much as a 6 point lead in July. He has seen his lead vanish as the Corzine campaign has begun to run more acerbic commercials and advertisements against Christie, mainly attacking his “Bush-era policies.”

Both political parties were in attendance at the event, as a group of Rutgers Republicans protested outside the Gymnasium. One man, dressed as a giant, rubber, yellow chicken held a sign stating “Cluck-U Corzine” in objection to Corzine’s current tax policy.

However, with help from former President Bill Clinton, Corzine is hoping to keep his poll numbers up, especially among those aged 18-25. Clinton boasts one of the highest approval ratings of any president in the last several decades, and continues to be popular today.

Recently, the former president traveled to North Korea in a move not sanctioned by the Obama Administration, meeting with North Korean Premier Kim-Jong Il to negotiate the release of two American journalists that were being held. The trip was a successful one, though it has been both lauded and belittled by both sides of the political isle.

A rather surprising welcoming speaker, Rutgers President Richard McCormick, was greeted to a flurry of boos and cheers upon taking the stage. McCormick has come under fire for his allocation of state funds given to Rutgers, as well as the many problems facing Rutgers, such as lack of housing for undergraduates and a budget deficit. At mention of the new Rutgers football stadium, the crowd erupted into a sea of anger and booing, as many detest the fact that so much money (more than $100 million) was spent on non-academia.

There was much berating of Corzine’s opponent Chris Christie, as Middlesex Country Freeholder Christopher Rafano stated “Christie is bad for Middlesex County, bad for New Jersey, and bad for education.” Freeholder James Polos, continuing the theme of his compatriot, extolled the benefits of Corzine: “There is only one candidate that can help New Jersey, and that is Jon Corzine.” He berated the Republican party, stating that they “did not care about health care, public education, the environment, and cut programs across the board” while he worked under a Republican administration.

A former Rutgers student that works closely with the campaign continued to speak on behalf of the Democratic party of New Jersey until cries of “R! U!” and the Obama campaign slogan “Yes We Can!” reverberated throughout the gymnasium.

After a perpetual line of current local Democratic candidates and an extraordinarily numb butt from sitting for so long, Corzine entered with emphatic applause, but Clinton was the aim for the crowd’s glee. The decibel level struck deafening each time that Clinton was mentioned. Applause and cries of “We love you Bill!” poured from every corner of the gymnasium. Corzine continually extolled Clinton’s present initiatives, such as global warming, as well as his past achievements, such as the creation of hundreds of thousands of jobs during his presidency. He also announced the ostensible results from the Bush Administration, such as the war and the failing global climate. It was obvious that the crowd was waiting for Clinton; Corzine stated rather correctly “I won’t talk very long because I know that you didn’t come to hear me.”

I nearly lost my hearing when Clinton spoke his first word; the screams of joy were deafening. He had to pause several times to allow the crowd to settle down; at the announcement that his wife was nearby, the cheers were only slightly less emphatic.

The former President spoke to the students about making a difference in the world by taking action and “being winners.” He then did what was expected of him, speaking on behalf of Corzine by reading a list of his accomplishments, mainly in the area pertaining to education. This was an obvious move, as the student vote is a decent plurality of the overall vote in New Jersey.

Continuing on the theme of the night, Clinton then belittled Christie’s policies much to the approval of the crowd. He then highlighted some of his accomplishments in relation to Corzine, thus giving Corzine the image that he will be as “cool” as Clinton was regarded during his presidency.

Clinton also touched upon the current policies of the Obama administration, commending Obama’s current efforts regarding education, the environment, and his overseas efforts as well. At the end of the night, it was not Corzine, but Clinton who had won. He was showered in appreciation and eager hysterics. One message that he gave was clear and heard by all: “It is your future that is on the line.”

Perhaps some people in the gymnasium heard him.

Sunday, October 18, 2009


To me, the most perplexing and mysterious species to inhabit the universe. I've heard many things about women, most of which is contradictory and confusing. For instance, I have heard that women like nice guys, but at the same time, they are attracted to "badassery." I have heard that women like smart guys, but at the same time, it isn't hard to find pretty women with less-than-brilliant guys.

I'm a nerd. I'm a vegetarian nerd. I'm a vegetarian nerd that hates contemporary music. I'm a vegetarian nerd that hates contemporary music who also plays sports. I feel badly if I even THINK that I might have hit an animal with my car. Based on that, should I not be swimming in interested girls?

Nope. Not even close. The first judgment of the opposite sex is based on appearance, dress, etc. (Though it sometimes boils down to parental issues, but I don't care to blather on about behavioral psychology.) I don't wear the pretentious, cheap crap that Hollister, American Eagle, Abercrombie, and the like sell. I buy my clothes at either A. Target, or B. Thrift stores. Actually, most of my clothes are from things like soccer and various college-associated junk, which I get for free. Whoop-de-doo.

I own one Hollister shirt, and that is because I was applying for a job there. I bought the shirt 15 minutes before the interview, and I didn't get the job. The shirt is extraordinarily tight. I don't like it.

So what if I don't put a tubful of gel in my hair, or don't wear the latest stupid clothing fads? A good pair of Levi jeans is worth a million bucks to me. Ideally, attraction would be based on emotional and mental characteristics. Pssh, yeah right. Our attraction to other individuals is based on the ancestral need to place good genes in our offspring. So what if I have blue eyes? I'm 5'8; being short doesn't help.

At least John Lennon figured something out.

Das Flüg

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Oh, that magic feeling (of nowhere to go)


I need some kind of creative outlet. Seriously. I started writing a first-person narrative on a psych study (pertinent to the psych study, of course). I need something to release some creativity. Help?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7, all good children go to heaven.
^I just happened to be listening to The Beatles right now.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

I think faster than I speak. That is why I jumble my words sometimes.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Uh-oh, where are my das pants?

So, as I was driving my car today, I heard someone mention Perez Hilton on the radio. I began thinking, what makes Perez Hilton so special? Is it because he's gay? Is it because his name is a play on Paris Hilton's name? Is it because he looks like a poor conception of a Japanese anime girl?

It could be one, it could be all three.

What he is, obviously, is an attention whore. Honestly, most bloggers are (aside from those who actually have something substantive to write, such as journalists). My blog is more like a creative outlet for me, where I can basically write my thoughts and general feelings about some stupid ephemeral junk that comes to my mind. But, when I look at someone like Perez Hilton (and I REALLY hate looking at him. He looks like Richard Simmons on a bad acid trip, except without the toned quadriceps.), I am reminded of how small our lives are.
Seriously, think about it. We WANT our opinions and feelings to matter. We WANT to be remembered for having strong, righteous, moralistic (in our own minds, at least) opinions. We want to be known. We know somewhere, in the back of our minds, that our lives and thoughts mean very little in the world.
That also sparked some neurosynapses; if we really want to make a mark on the world, be remembered for something, why not make it something great? Why not help those who can't help themselves? Why not go to Africa and teach horticulture to those who see hardly a drop of rain each year? Instead of talking about how celebrities eat too much pizza and have too many adopted kids, why not do something worthwhile with your life?

Well, there's my rant for the week. Now, I shall hibernate in my cave, waiting until Spring comes. If you come to annoy me, well...I'll just have to eat you. With some hot sauce.

Everything goes well with hot sauce.

Das Flüg

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Logic homework


Sunday, October 4, 2009

My thoughts, in a poem

To what do I owe the pleasure of your disturbance?
Whether time and time again you intrude,
interloper of my life like common happenstance;
the wind howls with your movements,
like a child without its mother
crying to the wolves
to slaughter its sheep.

You are the frost, the unrelenting cold
which chokes my lungs and blinds my eyes;
your realm is one of cold apathy
and scathing ignorance.
In the cold, one feels no pain,
only intent.
Whose intent do we rely upon,
when angels become demons?

Where is my salvation,
my warm glow of squalid achievement
on which is base my entirety?
My train has nary left the station,
and it has already been derailed.

There is no opportunity in antagonism,
no future in bastardization of truth;
there is no name to be made in schism,
nor any glory to be won in death.
Time is the grand juror, the ultimate advocate;
it is the hated ally or the beloved foe.
But outside of time, outside of faith,
outside of fear, outside of hate,
outside of death, outside of apathy,
outside of war, outside of peace,
outside of love, outside of aggression,
there is consciousness.