Sunday, June 24, 2012


Several notable things happened this past week: Roger Clemens was cleared of perjury charges, and I got paid, finally.

Why should I write about Roger Clemens? Exactly. What the hell should I give a damn about him lying to Congress? Hell, why should he or anyone have to testify in front of Congress about steroid use in baseball?
The United States Congress is the lawmaking body of the country. What business they have in investigating steroid use in the MLB is beyond me. They might argue that because the MLB is related to interstate commerce, and thus under the purview of the Congress, but, I can't stress this enough, it has no bearing whatsoever on the functioning of this country. None. Too much time and money has been wasted on the circus-like hearings of former MLB players while there are so many other national issues to be dealt with. That being said, how long have these investigations been going on? I remember this going back to 2006 or so, though I'm sure it may have come up before then. How come the damn bankers who traded in derivatives haven't been arrested and tried? How come Dick Cheney never had to face major scrutiny because of his private security force or his unwillingness to cooperate with multiple investigations of the executive branch because he claimed "legislative exemption?"
Pitiful. Pardon my French, but fucking pitiful. A country that spends so much focus on a non-issue is disheartening and deserves scorn.

Now, onto a lighter issue, my recent paycheck: A quarter of my money was taken for taxes. A quarter. Out of a minimum wage salary. This is absurd. Minimum wage is not a survivable wage, especially when it is taxed. If Republicans are so big on tax cuts, then cut taxes for those who actually need the damn money rather than people who make over $500K.

There, rant is done.

Das Flüg

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