Sunday, March 11, 2018

My Personal, Absolute Favoritist, Top 50 Movies

Encouraged by an e-mail from an old colleague of mine, as well as watching Das Leben Der Anderen (The Lives of Others) the other day, I thought I'd finally compile a list of my favorite movies. The top 10 are in the order in which I prefer them, i.e. numero uno is my favorite of all time. Everything after 10 is just in my general favorites because there are too many to keep in order. The notion of 'best', to me, is just how the movie made me feel with a first viewing, and how enjoyable I found it upon repeated viewings.

1. Shaun of the Dead
2. Shawshank Redemption
3. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
4. The Legend of Drunken Master
5. The new Planet of the Apes trilogy
6. Wall-E
7. The Before Trilogy
8. In the Loop
9. Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad!
10. Monty Python and the Holy Grail
11. The Lives of Others
12. Hero (Jet Li)
13. Airplane!
14. Gattaca
15. Predestination
16. Timecrimes
17. Life of Brian
18. Casino Royale
19. La La Land
20. Enter the Dragon
21. In Bruges
22. Hot Fuzz
23. Star Treks III, IV, and VI
24. Superbad
25. Kung Fu Hustle
26. Dead Man's Shoes
27. 28 Days Later
28. Coming to America & Trading Places
29. Chinatown
30. Being There
31. A Shot in the Dark
32. Black Dynamite
33. Inglourious Basterds
34. The Matrix
35. Office Space
36. Kill Bill (1 & 2)
37. Logan
38. V for Vendetta
39. Lord of the Rings trilogy
40. Midnight in Paris
41. Annie Hall
42. Born to be Blue
43. Dragons Forever
44. The Full Monty
45. The Indiana Jones TRILOGY
46. Dr. Strangelove
47. Network
48. 3 Idiots & Dangal (for the sake of saving space)
49. Blade Runner & 2049
50. Children of Men

Now that I've made the list, I realized just how many films I had to exclude that I loved: The original Star Wars trilogy, Ex Machina, Galaxy Quest, Four Lions, The Dark Knight, Ghostbusters, Captain America: Winter Soldier, Lethal Weapon, Inception, 48 Hours, Kick Ass, John Wick, Groundhog Day, Minority Report, The Blues Brothers, the El Mariachi Trilogy, Oldboy and Sympathy for Lady Vengeance, Once, Ratatouille, Road to Perdition, Saving Private Ryan, Ferris Bueller, Forrest Gump, Snatch, Trainspotting, Spirited Away, The Dirties, basically all of Pixar (not Cars though), The Man from Earth, Ocean's 11, They Live, etc. There are also a bunch of smaller films I've seen over the years that I liked but have forgotten, sadly enough. 50 isn't enough space!

That's all for now,
Das Flüg

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