I am a man. To be precise, I am a human being amongst the other 6 billion human beings to inhabit this pale blue dot in the middle of nowhere. You may be asking yourself what is so special about me to warrant a blog; to that, I respond wholeheartedly, "I dunno."
I am not unlike every other human. 2 legs, 2 arms, a head, a circulatory system, neuro-synapses, etc. I am pretty cut and dry, except for the fact that I am, right now, doing what you see in front of you: continually typing words. Man, I am a boring person.
My life is no more interesting than yours. Sure, you may think that just because you're Brad Pitt, or own a Mustang, or have had sex with multiple people (genders unknown) at the same time that you are the greatest thing since, well, the last person to have sex with multiple people (genders unknown) at the same time. And if you do, well, kudos to you. Life handed you lemons, and you said "To hell with the lemonade" and bought a Ferrari. Yes, a very random sentiment, I agree. It's just a random tangent.
Speaking of tangents,

To be a bit more personable, I am currently a single, straight, intellectually-bored college student studying Political Science (a.k.a., nothing really important) and Psychology (double unimportance). Essentially, my life's goal is, to, well... find a goal. I've been a stalwart dilettante for most of my academic career, and after a while, it just gets damned tiring. Sure, I could give you pretty good insights into politics, law, philosophy, economics, psychology, natural sciences, physics, astronomy, classical music, classic rock, history, kung-fu movies, good books, meditation, and exercise (among other things), but what would that get me in life? I would be no more than a wandering philistine. Today's world is about the simple-minded objective of screwing people over in favor of accruing wealth. For that, I could care less.
The funny thing about money is that if enough people devalue it and consider it worthless, well then...it's worthless. I think that I'll end my little diatribe here.
Vaya con dios,
Das Flüg

So after nine years are u still single and straight