Sunday, September 20, 2009

A list of people who, I believe, should shüt üp.

As I have become severely annoyed with American society lately, here is a list of people that, I believe, if they were to shut up, America would be a better place.

This is no particular order; I hate them all equally (would that mean that my hate is a form of socialism?)

-Joe Wilson
-Kanye West
-People who yell "socialism"
-Tucker Carlson
-Rush Limbaugh
-Bill O'Reilly
-People who bring guns to peaceful rallies
-People who are unwilling to compromise
-People who dismiss ideas out of hand
-Nancy Pelosi
-Perez Hilton
-People who are arrogant
-People who are pretentious and/or pedantic
-Benjamin Netanyahu
-Miley Cyrus
-The Jonas Brothers
-Any and all rap and/or hip hop music with the inference of having sex, being in a club, or (in reference to the Black Eyed Peas) doing "it."
-People who are greedy
-People who are self-serving
-People who believe that the Earth is flat
-People who try to proselytize everyone
-Tobacco companies
-Oil companies
-American car companies
-American bankers
-American health insurance companies
-Companies in general
-Absurd Republicans who make absurd claims
-In fact, anyone who makes an absurd claim. Not just Republicans.
-People who think that other cultures and/or beliefs are evil
-Sarah Palin
-Dr. Phil
-Mahmoud Ahmedinejad
-Robert Mugabe
-Anyone who says that business is the most important factor in the world.
And, finally...
-Rush Limbaugh. Yes, he deserves to be listed twice.

That's all for now.
Das Flüg

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